Tuesday, 2 April 2013

Caroline's View

The Vampire Diaries
Caroline's View
By: Melody McEwen

Chapter 1

March 27 

Dear Diary,

Elena was chosen for Miss. Fell's Church again ! I am pulling my hair out. What did I do wrong ?! I applied four months early. Had a polite supper with the mayor. Volunteered  everyday for six months and I still didn't get it.

Mom says I did a fine job , and to be proud of myself anyway. What does she know about me anyway? When is she ever home to notice anything about me?

Just once I would like her to stay home for a whole week without getting a mysterious call from some informer called Damon Salvatore. She is my Mom, not everyone else's.

Elena doesn't know what is coming for her though. This year isn't her year just because she is Miss.  Fell's Church again. I am going to make her pay for everything. And little Ms. Ice Princess and her posse of misfits won't raise their heads again in Robert E . Lee High.

Caroline Forbes put down her powder blue diary under her pillow. Her Mom ( more like the pretender) was calling her for supper.  What ever she thought , not like Santa Claus is coming for roast beef.

Caroline cleared tears from her face she didn't realize were there , tasted the tears on her tongue and left her room for another round with her mother.

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